Finals update – 22/08/2022

August 22, 2022 - Fraser Mathieson

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Friday’s Joker prize was won by Clair Howland.
Saturday saw the culmination of the Club’s internal competitions. The winners and runners up were as follows:

  • Ladies over 55 singles – winner Jean Fisher, runner up Kay Fairgrieve.
  • Gents 2 bowl pairs – winners A and B Cockburn, runners up K Wilkie and F Mathieson.
  • Ladies triples – winners Lauren Forgie, Clair Howland and Jean Fisher, runners up Carrie Gee, Christine Kerr and Louisa Jones.
  • Gents handicap – winner A Cockburn, runner up S Stuart.
  • Gents President Trophy – winner B Cockburn, runner up W Guy.
  • Ladies presidents trophy – winner Jean Fisher, runner up Kay Fairgrieve.
  • Gents challenge pairs – W Guy and A Sneddon, runners up R Fairgrieve and A Hadden.
  • Gents senior singles – winner S Ingram, runner up I Wright.
  • Mixed pairs – winners W Guy and Jean Fisher, runners up S Ingram and Clair Howland.
  • Gents triples – winners B Cockburn, S Stuart and A Sneddon, runners up I Wright, A Howland and W McGill.
  • Gents Blevins Trophy – winner S Stuart, runner up A Cockburn.
  • Gents senior rinks – winners J McKenzie, K Wilkie, A Forrest and S Ingram, runners up I Wright, R Fairgrieve, W McGill and A Hadden.
  • Ladies Championship – Winner Jean Fisher, runner up Rebecca Craig.
  • Gents Championship – winner A Sneddon, runner up A Howland.

There are still three finals to be completed, probably in the week commencing 22 August.

Fraser Mathieson